Proudly endorsed by Ludwig Drums, Sabian Cymbals, Promark Sticks and Remo Heads.
An abundance of modern and vintage gear, ensures matching the right sound for the track or show.
Touring Kit
Ludwig Classic Maple
22" x 16" bass drum
13" x 10" rack tom
16" x 16" floor tom
18" x 16" floor tom
14" x 5.5" maple snare
Ludwig Atlas Hardware
Studio Kits
Ludwig Classic 1963 Champagne Sparkle
22” x 14” bass drum
13” x 9” rack tom
16” x 16” floor tom
Ludwig Classic 1970’s Sky Blue Pearl
24” x 14” bass drum
13” x 9” rack tom
16” x 16” floor tom
Other vintage kits include Gretsch, Hayman, Sonor.
14” x 5” Ludwig 400
14” x 5” Ludwig 400 Supersensitive
14” x 6.5 Ludwig 402 Bronze
14” x 11” Ludwig Marching
14” x 5” Tama Steel
14” x 6.5 Tama Brass
14” x 6.5 Pearl “Free floater” Brass
14” x 5” Tama Maple
14” x 6.5” Tama Maple
14” x 8” Tama Maple
13” x 3” Joe Montineri Maple Piccolo

Main cymbal set up:
15” Artisan HiHats
18” HHX Xtreme Crash
21” HHX Legacy Ride
18” HHX Legacy Crash
And many more courtesy of Sabian cymbals
Coles 4038 x 2
Akg 451 x 2
Audix D6 x 1
Audia Technica 2500 x 1
Seinheiser 421's x 2
Shure 57's x 4
Mic Pre's
Api 3124 x 2 (8 channels)
Neve 1081 x 2